'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life, who never knew how much I loved them. Now I live with the regret, that my true feelings for them never were revealed. So I made a promise to myself, to say each day how much he means to me. And avoid that circumstance, where there's no second chance to tell him how I feel. If tomorrow never comes...
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Postat av: Elin
Hej din buse.. jag måste meddela dig en sak. så om du kunde logga in på msn så vore det ju toppen! haha :) PUSSPÅDIGSÖTAN!
Postat av: A
HAHAHHA jag veeeet! hur kul som helst fast ingen anna fattar dom bah; eeeh? HAHAH men fan va kul Tooo the waaallll!! !hHAHAH :D<3